POPL Accepted Carrot Cake
Modal Carrot Cake (Diamond)
This reciPL is also gluten-free!
Chop the spinach in small sub-leaves, chop the garlic in small recursive sub-parts.
Drain 150g of tofu (I normally use multiple dishcloths to do this). Make a cream with the other 50g (process it in 1/4 cup of hot water).
In a large bowl, squeeze the drained firm tofu with a fork, add the garlic, the olive oil, the two types of tapioca flour (or the single type, if using only regular tapioca flour), then the tofu cream, and lastly, the spinach. This is not commutative: add elements in this order. This group is non-abelian.
Mix all the ingredients with your hands, until it stops sticking in your hands. You might need to add a bit more of tapioca flour.
Once everything is properly mixed, add 3L of water in a boiling pot, let it boil. While the water heats up, make small gnocchi rolls (it’s okay if they look like tiny spheres; they are still homeomorphically equivalent). Add them to the pot with boiling water. Wait until they rise to the surface, and they’ll be ready for serving!
I normally eat those with tomato sauce.
[ 1 ] You can find fermented tapioca flour in many Latin American Markets. You can go there, and if someone speaks Spanish or Portuguese, show them this set of 2 words: “Polvilho Azedo”. That is the name of this magical thing. If you find a package, buy it! I’ll tell you how to make Pão de Queijo in another reciPL, and it will require this “Polvilho Azedo”-thingy.
Paulette Koronkevich is the assigned reviewer of this reciPL.
Modal Carrot Cake (Diamond)
Fluffy Milk Powder Cake
rustc veggies tart (claimed ownership)
A verified implementation of Pão de Queijo
3 ingredients and strong arms, that is what you need (well, you can cheat with a mixer). This polymorphic reciPL is much cheaper than regular ice cream, and ...
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This reciPL is perfect if you have leftovers.
Shop the ingredients in advance. This reciPL is very hard, and very expensive. Be prepared for non-trivial proofs, and possibly unprovable lemmas.
A Lazy implementaiton of Bread