simpl Churros


They will protect you from Reviewer 2.


Definition dough :  Prop :=
  • 100ml water
  • 10g white sugar
  • salt
  • 25g unsalted butter
  • 1 Large egg
  • 70g flour
  • vanilla extract
  • vegetable oil for frying your assets
Definition topping :  Prop :=
  • approx 50g icing sugar or plain white sugar
  • (Optional) 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • (Optional) Dulce de leche if you have access to it

You’ll need an icing tip (a star tip) and a resistant piping bag.


Add water, the 10g sugar, pinch of salt, about 3 drops of vanilla extract (a bit less than 1/2 of a tea spoon) and the butter in a pan. Medium heat, let the butter melt entirely. When it starts boiling, remove the pan from stove, mix it gently and add the flour. DO NOT add the flour and keep the heat source, it’ll ruin this reciPL.

Mix the flour with the other liquid ingredients. Don’t worry, the dough won’t be homogeneous and it’ll have a non-uniform aspect. Return the pan to medium heat, keep pressing and mixing the dough. You’ll notice it’ll become more uniform and soft. Keep softening the dough for about 2-3 minutes; it will eventually stop sticking the bottom of the pan. Remove the dough from the pan; place it in a bowl; open it gently and let it cool entirely.

Add oil to a large pan, let it heat up for frying your churros.

Place the egg on top of the dough (reminder: never do it if the dough is hot; you don’t want omelettes), mix the egg and the dough gently. It will take a few minutes to obtain a new uniform product (it’s a good exercise for your arms).

Once you finish mixing, add the contents to a resistant piping bag (this is a somewhat thick dough, so watch out for thin plastic bags) and use a star tip. Is there a standard size for these icing tips? Mine says 4B and 1M, and if you use those, you’ll get medium-to-thin (not thick) churros. The oil should be hot enough for frying the churros now. Press the bag and cut the churros at the desired length. I do it straight in the pan, but you can do it on a tray and then transfer it to the pan.

Fry the churros until it reaches that beautiful gold colour. Remove them from the frying pan; place them on a paper towel for a few moments.

Place approx 50g of white sugar or icing sugar in a bowl; add cinnamon if desired. Dip your churros in the sugar mix.

Done! They are ready for making you happy!

You can also eat them with Dulce de Leche, Chocolate, Nutella, etc.

Useful hints

[ 1 ] You can get about 8-10 medium-size churros with the reciPL above.

Appendix, Theorems and Artifact

This is a common reciPL in Latin America. There, churros are slightly golden, and pleasantly soft in the middle. When I went to Spain, I tasted a different version of it, much more crunchy. This apparently comes from the fact the dough does not take butter. You basically boil the water with that pinch of salt and sugar, and add flour (in a different proportion; for this same reciPL, it’d be around 90g). The dough ends up being much heavier, but the lack of butter makes the end churros much more crispy. I don’t think you’d be able to use a piping bag for this other dough, so you’d need a churrera (an asset press the dough and let you give format your churros).

The proof both variations are equally delicious is left as an exercise for the reader.


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