POPL Accepted Carrot Cake
Modal Carrot Cake (Diamond)
The Fluffiest verified artifact you can get!
Definition cake_body : Prop :=
Definition cake_topping : Prop :=
You’ll need a mixer.
Preheat your oven to 180C (or 350F) while you prepare the cake dough.
In a large bowl, add the eggs and the sugar. Using a mixer, mix everything for about 4 minutes until it becomes a white, homogeneous mix. This step is very important, it is the baseline for fluffiness preservation!
Add the milk powder (111 g) in the bowl, then sieve the flour, add it to the bowl. Add water, then add the oil. Add a tiny pinch of salt, and the Optional Vanilla. Using a whisk, slowly mix all the ingredients. Be gentle! You want to preserve the fluffiness from the initial proof!
Lastly, add the baking powder, give it a last gentle mix. You’ll notice the cake dough feels heavy, and you might think “this is not provable”. It is! That is how it should be.
Spray oil or use parchment paper in a 20cm x 30cm (approx) baking pan. Drop your heavy cake dough in it; spread it gently. Put in the oven for 40 minutes, or until it’s totally baked. Avoid opening the oven before 35 min.
While the fluffy artifact bakes, focus on the topping. In a pan, add the condensed milk, butter and milk powder. Medium head until the butter melts and everything becomes a homogeneous mix. Put it on the minimum heat you can get; add half of the heavy cream; mix it gently. Turn off the heat; add the remaining portion of the heavy cream; give it a last gentle mix.
When the cake is fully baked, create multiple holes in it using a fork; eapply
the topping. Let it cool down for about 30-40 minutes.
Sprinkle some milk powder on top for decoration.
[ 1 ] You can put the fluffy cake in the fridge for one hour. It’ll absorb the moisture of the topping, and it will become dense. It still preserves the original fluffynes.
[ 2 ] DO NOT eat this cake when it’s warm. Specially if you are lactose intolerant. Type safety is not guaranteed in high temperatures.
In an unfortunate occasion where I was forced to use linear logic, I noticed I had limited resources of flour. I made this cake with 325g of flour, and it also worked fine.
As a side note, I prefer a bit less sugar, so I put 275g instead of 300g.
A final tip: Use a rich spoon of baking powder.
Modal Carrot Cake (Diamond)
Fluffy Milk Powder Cake
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Shop the ingredients in advance. This reciPL is very hard, and very expensive. Be prepared for non-trivial proofs, and possibly unprovable lemmas.
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